Further Afield
Trip to Amsterdam
After the success of the Berlin Trip last year we're off to foreign parts again! This Amsterdam trip has got off the ground. (Cue joke about the ground in the Netherlands not being very high – can’t think of one.) It’s not too late to join in. We have nine booked to travel on Eurostar. […]
Trip to Ireland
I've had a great response for the trip and unfortunately I can't take any more people. If you want to come and are prepared to arrange your own accommodation etc then I can give you information of where we are staying. Linda ACCOMMODATION Island View is located in the fishing village of Roundstone, Connemara, […]
The Manor Resort, Okehampton
Manor Resort OkehamptonA visit to this "Kids' Camp for Grownups" in Devon. Ireen and Ken enjoyed an excellent weekend at this amazing resort in November. It turns out that one or two other COPSErs have also been there and recommend it, so we have extended an invitation to the rest of COPSE to join us there in […]