• Post category:Walking

A post Christmas circular walk from Balcombe train station.

It was cold but sunny day with no wind, ideal for walking. It was perhaps surprising that we encountered some muddy and watery bits, particularly through woodland, even though there had been less than average rainfall for the time of year and it was predominantly on sandstone. Our walk did include Wakehurst Place, owned by National Trust but run by Royal Botanic Garden Kew. There was a lot to see in this very hilly and scenic garden although limited by the hours of daylight, not helped by the very late running of our train. Anyway, we had refreshments in a café there. After that, we had a lovely walk back on a more direct route, stopping at the Half Moon Inn in Balcombe village. Harvey’s beers were unfortunately sold out but several of us chose mulled wine. We had about three quarters of an hour there before the reasonably short walk to the station.
It was indeed pleasant to note that on this occasion our train was on time for the whole journey back to East Croydon.
So endeth a most enjoyable walk and thanks to Paul for organizing it.

William C.